Project Description
2201 Neptune Avenue
2201 Neptune Avenue 2201 Neptune Avenue BROOKLYN NEIGHBORHOOD On Coney Island near the Coney Island Creek, with views
2251 Mill Avenue
2251 Mill Avenue 2251 Mill Avenue NEW YORK CHALLENGE A Mikva is a ritual bath that Jews are
15 2nd Avenue
15 2nd Avenue 15 2nd Avenue BROOKLYN CHALLENGE NYS Departement of Corrections was being evicted from the space
134 Grove Street
134 Grove Street 134 Grove Street CEDARHURST CHALLENGE A Mikva is a ritual bath that Jews are required
2085 Ocean Parkway
2085 Ocean Parkway 2085 Ocean Parkway BROOKLYN High-End Community Institution, Synagogue and Mikveh Project Details
4600 Glenwood Road
4600 Glenwood Road 4600 Glenwood Road BROOKLYN CHALLENGE In dire need of housing for homeless families, the City